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tlaguz's webpage

01 Oct 2020

Devart dbMonitor on Linux

Devart dbMonitor can be run on Linux using Wine. Installer successfully installs it however, it might not work due to lack of permissions to bind to ports.

  Tested on Arch, wine-5.18, dbMonitor 3.0.4, application running on mono 6.10.0

Following changes has to be made:

  • in dbMonitor settings change port to higher value, for example 10000 (default 1000)

  • execute to give wine permissions to listen on ports: sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /path/to/wine

  • in your C# set port to above mentioned value, and host to

_monitor = new OracleMonitor 
          { IsActive = true, Port = 10000, Host = "" };

Now dbMonitor should work.